Writing authentically

I read a recent Esquire interview with Michael Keaton and was struck by his comment on being authentic, of his efforts to create something original: “Over the years, I think, people—actors, writers, whatever—lose their frame of reference. Their frame of reference is based on somebody else who did this or did that. Performances. So itContinue reading “Writing authentically”

Becoming a character

I’m watching old episodes of the Sherlock Holmes with the incomparable Jeremy Brett and found an interview he gave about how was able to create such a memorable Holmes. He said, “I’m like a sponge, I squeeze the liquid of myself out and draw in the liquid of the creature I’m playing.” It’s the sameContinue reading “Becoming a character”

Next time, I’ll proof the proof!

Oh, lord, why did I ignore the advice to read the proof for my book thoroughly before approving it for publication. All I did was admire the title page and flip through the book to make sure the page numbers were in sequence. After I published Anthra’s Moon, a sharp-eyed reader found a few typosContinue reading “Next time, I’ll proof the proof!”

I’m not a marketeer

But my daughter-in-law and good friend, Samantha is. Damn, that girl is good. She’s taking over the social media/ marketing role and is designing a poster, postcards, and bookmarks for my book signing event for Anthra’s Moon. “You need a Facebook page,” she says. I nod and change my baby granddaughter’s diaper while Samantha happilyContinue reading “I’m not a marketeer”